sometimes reluctant
Monday, January 02, 2006
  New Testament in 2006
On the odd chance that anyone who stops here does not already know, four friends and myself have decided to study through the New Testament together in 2006. If you'd like to join us, we have a cite called "Word Search," which can be found at Read! Comment! See you there!

The first day, we read and commented on the first chapter of Mark. After sitting with this passage for a while, I noticed two interesting things:

First, I love my grandmother's large print study bible. I've never used it before. I grabbed it out of the garage for no reason. Wow! I like those big letters!!

Secondly, Mark charges through the early ministry of Jesus. There's no linage, birth, boyhood teaching... none of that context stuff. He jumps right into the ministry of this messiah, telling of:

Whew! That's a busy guy, that Messiah! It must have been a burden to be the one who was exactly what EVERYBODY needed - all the time! What a life.

It says that in one day he: taught in the synagogue, went to Simon's house, healed the lady of the house, had a meal (busy, busy).... then after sunset people brought to Jesus all the sick and demon-possessed. The whole town gathered at the door! They didn't come to him until sunset. They had to wait until the Sabbath was over before carrying anything or travelling any distance. When the crowds were desperate to get to this miracle worker, excited, and maybe anxious, they didn't rush to him like they wanted to. They waited. This healer who may be the Messiah - the real thing - came to their little town, and they really needed healing... so they watched the decending sun, unable to persue that which would change their lives forever.

I recognize that, if left unchecked, I can be one impatient person. I can't imagine waiting 15 seconds, 2 minutes, 3 hours, when I suspect everything I need just showed up in my neighborhood! But, it would have been unthinkable - sinful even, for them to have broken the Sabbath. They didn't consider it.

The timing when HE shows up can be inconvenient. And we're left thinking "I've been this way for so long, what's another hour? day? week? year?" I wonder how many didn't go at all because it was not an optimal time to travel.

I, on the other hand, am not a first century Jew. I'm free of the rules and the religious constraint. But, how many times have I waited thru another sunset, feeling powerless, while missing God's provision because I didn't get up and go, or ask, or seek, or knock, or whatever?

I want to be done with that.

You know, it's funny that you talk about not being able to wait because that is what happens in Ch. 2 with the leper through the ceiling. I love the last two verses of that chapter and have finally understood them. God made the Sabbath for man to be able to take a day off...but not to rule him. I'll get more into it in the comments section. Anyway, you should post this in the comments too. It's awesome and we don't mind length at all!
Mimi - I noticed the connection to the guys in Chapter 2 also! How cool. Interesting thoughts on freedom through the sabbath and freedom from sabbath!

Doug - What I'm noticing this trip through Mark is how hectic it must have been for them. That he was able to reach people individually is amazing - perhaps it was a God thing...
hey, weren't sure if you'd check but I put this on the Bible study blog...

Julie~ Weird, my New King James Version says, “But when His own people heard about this…” It then references Mark 6:3 “Is this not the carpenter, the Son of Mary, and brother of James, Joses, Judas, and Simon?”

I’ll have to see if Dave can get something from the Greek Translation he has. (He works night shift so I’ll have to ask him tomorrow!)
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Location: Miamisburg, Ohio, United States

I am a wife and a mom. I am an, occupational therapist. I play volleyball most every Friday evening. I believe I have supernatural powers. I take good care of my teeth.

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