sometimes reluctant
Saturday, January 21, 2006
  Making a Mark
Ok, I admit it. I've been crying alot.

One of the reasons is that we're nearing the end of a gospel in the virtual Bible study.
It's if anyone stops by and doesn't know what I'm referring to (which is hard to imagine).

Anyway, near the end of all four gospels is a disturbing revelation. This wonderful, compassionate, gentle, POWERFUL, loving person was cruelly killed by a bunch of jerks! The God I love planned it that way. That's not a pretty chapter in human history. I don't like it at all! I recognize it was the ANSWER for all mankind, but I still don't like it.

Anybody wanna set me straight?
I don't like it either but don't you just love Jesus all the more for it? He was so beautiful and eloquent throughout his ministry and trial. Funny, watching that movie, Luther, made me think about the Catholic church in comparison to the Pharisees. Sad that a religion built on the teachings of Christ would become another den of Pharisees. Very sobering.
Yes, I do love Jesus all the more for it. It's just when I'm looking at the specifics that I feel sad, sick or mad...
What an interesting comparison between the pre-reformation chruch to the Judiasm of Jesus' time. How telling about human nature!
It may not make you feel any better, but you and I were each one of those jerks...

... and He forgave and still loves us anyway.
Thanks rev! That's even worse!!!!

And it makes His love so amazing.
Me, too Julie.
Julie, you've touched on one of the toughest things that held me back for years before accepting Christ into my life (at least openly). My big realization is that we tend to put things into human terms (since that's what we are, after all), and only God sees the big picture. It's hard to imagine another form of Christianity now (in retrospect, and 2000 years of history) whereby our Savior was hugely popular, loved by all, and then waved boodbye and sailed into the clouds. (of course, many believe that his death was needed to atone for our sins, etc... but I think God sets the rules, and we should not assume anything really is needed). It just shapes our perception of what God is willing to go through to reach us! That's truly amazing to me.
Thanks for your thoughts Chris. He is amazing.
I don't think liking it is the point. This is the same God who says -do not have idols. Worship only me. or pay the consequences.

hard teaching!
Yes, see-through, that's true. I just don't get a vote. It's always, only, ever about HIM. Thanks for the visit and the perspective.
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